On Sb, 13 nov 10, 01:14:53, Jesús M. Navarro wrote:
> Hi, Matt:
> On Friday 12 November 2010 21:32:05 Matt Simmons wrote:
> > Hi, how can I install a package from unstable? (currently running testing)
> > For example, I know it should be something like:
> > # apt-get install uswsusp/unstable
> You need:
> 1) To add sources for "unstable" to your sources list.  I.e.:
> /etc/apt/sources.list:
> [...]
> deb http://apt.debian.org/debian/ sid main non-free contrib
> 2) Reload the sources:
> apt-get update
> 3) Install the package telling the system you want the version from unstable:
> apt-get -t sid install [my package]

Some remarks:

- uswsusp does not exist in testing/squeeze, so you don't really need 
  the -t
- even if it existed in testing/squeeze, the version in unstable would 
  have precedence
- if no pinning is involved the system will be upgraded to unstable/sid 
  at the next upgrade

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