Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> Bob wrote in message:
> > Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
> > > (reverse-i-search)`wh': aptitude why patch
> > > --- After typing "wh" (without the quotes), it does not accept more
> > > letters!
> >
> > What you are missing is that the search is case sensitive.  The "Wh"
> > in "White" is *not* matched by "wh" with lower case 'w'.
> ..from grep --help |less: ;o)
>  -i, --ignore-case         ignore case distinctions

That is a grep option.  It doesn't apply to bash's history search.

As far as I know there is no option to ignore case in bash's history
search.  But I don't know very much about such things.


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