Thanks for your attention!

the partition of scsi disk is nothing unusual
Win98 is installed at sda1
I notice that you say "hd[1,#]"
but I always use the form (hd1,#)

menu entries for Win98 is  nothing unusual
during installation of etch or lenny
they create entries for Windows
I just make some change:

title           Microsoft Windows 98
root            (hd1,0)
chainloader     +1

According to grub.html at
the ls command can list device
but both lenny and etch use old grub
the ls command seems unavailabel.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:00 AM,  <> wrote:
> Well what does the partitioning on the SCSI disk look like?
> It's odd for the system to boot into the HDA device using hd[0,#] AND hd[1,#] 
> even if hd[1,#] was incorrect for the SCSI device, it should give you a can't 
> find error, devices 0 AND 1 shouldn't work for the same OS in any case.
> If we're gonna help you with that we may need to see what you put for the Win 
> 98 entry as well as the partiton structure for your SCSI device
> Another member mentioned the command line interface for grub to see what it 
> sees, I am not certain of this command myself, but have you attempted to 
> research this or menu.list configurations? What have you found??
> TeddyB

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