I agree Nuno Magalhães;

I use to use KDE, I loved the incredible functionality and customization you 
got from it. Now I've switched to Lxde, not because I like it, but because KDE4 
is complete tripe, sure it looks pretty, but there is really no customization 
to it, which background image do you want, and that's it. With KDE3 you could 
take two colors, make an effect, overlay an image, and do a transparency or 
color shift all on the fly, and it was efficient. Now you got this plasma crap 
that eats resources like their M&M's whether you use it or not.

Granted the little tools docked on your desktop is nice, at first, but in the 
long run they don't get used and it comes down to a nice eye candy interface, 
where every desktop looks just the same.

On a more personal scale I also used KDE because I didn't like trying to Guess 
which menu system 'dialogue box' an option was in. The KDE control center was 
intuitive and well organized. 

Linux Desktop Enviroments need to stop trying to compete to impress microsoft 
users and N00b's and stick to what Linux is all about, clean, efficient, FAST! 
If people really feel they NEED desktop widgets either make it add on software 
or make a third party desktop environment based off the main environment. The 
way it is now KDE and Gnome, the two biggest are competing for 'most bloat 
award' and the sleek fast environments like lxde are basing their systems off 
the giants so all the real customization of the past is just plain gone...


Okay, I'm done...     

-----Original Message-----
From: Nuno Magalhães <nunomagalh...@eu.ipp.pt>
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 18:42:01 
To: debian-user<Debian-User@lists.debian.org>
Subject: Re: Frustration made me do it.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 11:45, Alan Chandler <a...@chandlerfamily.org.uk> wrote:
>> My machine
>> is an older desktop with only 1 Gb of RAM

Have big applications like office suites, internet browsers and the
like added so many more features that a "mere" 1GB of RAM doesn't
suffice?! Isn't Web2.0's structure mostly text-based? The bandwith
hogs are multimedia and that's out of the box.

I remember when i had a functioning windowmaker desktop with a 96MB
PII back in '99. Maybe they're comming out of school thinking
programming is IDE drag-n-drop and python-style "print this" programs.
I don't understand why must software grow with no added content, just
because the hardware is more capable. What's next, a 900MB simple text
editor?! But i never liked resource-hogs anyway.


Mars 2 Stay!

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