On Ma, 21 dec 10, 10:24:47, Alexander Batischev wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 07:27:37AM +0000, r...@upp.pt wrote:
> > I'm searhcing for the safe way to upgrade my current debian to
> > testing/unstable in order to install the newset verion of OpenAFS
> > ( I don't want to fully upgrade my system -- only the the
> > necessary dependencies should be used from testing/unstable repositories.
> > Hw can I do that?
> 1. Add testing/unstable repos to your sources.list
> 2. Add the following line to the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02release
>    (if file doesn't exist yet, create it):
>    APT::Default-Release "lenny";
>    (you may use "stable" instead of "lenny" - that depends on what behavior 
> you
>    expect when squeeze would release)

Lenny's apt still has a bug where the codename is not supported in 
default release and pinning. Let's see... it's #97564 and friends 
(#254716, #423234 and #509471#) and no, it's not a typo, that bug is 
from 2001.

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