Greetings list

I have recently installed Arno's IP Tables on my Deb testing machine and want to know how I can allow print privileges to a second computer, because my machine runs the print server (CUPS).

From the second machine (also a Deb), I am unable to ping my machine (print server), so am assuming that the IP tables are doing their job.

Looking at the /etc/arno-iptables-firewall/firewall.conf file, I can see that any changes (which apparently should be handled through debconf) would have to be made under the Internal (LAN) interface settings, but beyond this, I'm really not sure how to proceed. Is it best to specify the IP address (there's only one specific IP address from the second machine) to allow, or am I supposed to enable INT_NET_BCAST_ADDRESS=""?

Any suggestions on how to proceed with this modification to the basic set up of Arno's ... and is this something that I should append manually to the conf file or let debconf handle? If the latter, how would I indicate my changes?

Thanks for any suggested ways forward.


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