Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Mike Bird wrote:
> > > But then they abuse the Debian packaging system by "requiring"
> > > instead of "recommending" unnecessary packages so that people are
> > > forced to use their silly hacks.
> > 
> > The new APT default is that Recommends are the same as Requires and so
> > a lot of unnecessary packages are now installed.  Those should now be
> > pushed into Suggests.
> Feel free to file bugs for every package which abuses Recommends. Beware 
> though, that Recommends, according to Policy, should be installed "on 
> all but unusual installations".

The question is really one of philosophy.  Do you start with a good
foundation and then build upward?  Or do you start with a large fully
filled out structure and then remove the extraneous material?

I am a builder and so desire starting small and then adding on as
needed.  But if you are a sculptor then you desire to start fully
formed and to remove the material you don't want present.

I realize that these two ideologies are in opposition.  But I think
one is more scalable than the other and more suitable for a universal
operating system.


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