On Sb, 01 ian 11, 23:35:34, Brad Alexander wrote:
> Look, I am as much for free software as the rest, but I think the FSF
> tends to start brush fires to justify their own existence. I believe
> they have done some good work, but many things they do seem to be
> counterproductive to the cause. For instance, their latest attack, on
> Linus Torvalds, claiming that the Linux Kernel is Open Core, and that
> "Linux Kernel Is Torvalds' 'Bait and Switch'"
> (http://www.osnews.com/story/24009/FSFLA_Linux_Kernel_Is_Torvalds_Bait_and_Switch_
> and http://lwn.net/Articles/413927/) Why? Because you can install
> binary blobs on your Linux system if you _choose to_? That makes the
> kernel Open Core? And Linus is intentionally drawing people in to
> software heresy?

There might come a day when most of the systems in the world will be 
running free software, but we are still not there. Actually, at the 
moment it's (almost?) impossible to run a completely free system, so 
there is still work to do. Even more, it's important to not let people 
think "it's just the firmware", because even the firmware does have 
source code somewhere[1].

Unfortunately the method used (attacking other members of the free 
software community) is IMVHO not the best...

[1] except maybe some hex tables used to initialize the hardware, but 
even then, those hex tables should be thoroughly documented

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