On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:30 AM, Mihira Fernando <mihirathe...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 01/05/2011 11:20 PM, Klistvud wrote:
>> Seems I'm one of the few who sincerely think that not all users should, or
>> even could, be required to know the inner workings of each and every
>> technology they use. In real life, people are forced (by their job or
>> whatever)

>>  And yet, you took the trouble to actually learn that the car needs
> coolant in the radiator, gas in the tank and other oil in their respective
> places and you too the trouble to learn how to fill/refill those. The car is
> not set to automatically fill them up are they ?
> Same applies for the PC. Just as a car owner learns those things to use his
> car, a PC owner should take the trouble to learn the basics which includes
> learning the importance of backups and setting up backups. Also mandatory
> setting of backups during the install process doesnt make much sense as the
> same OS can be installed in any number of setups where backup media may not
> be available at the time of installation. It should be set as an optional
> post installation procedure.

I think some people don't view a computer as their own car, but more like
the public bus.  Someone else maintains it, keeps it running, and all they
have to do is use it.  My dad sees it this way, at least, and I'm guessing
he's not the only one.  Only until he experiences the pain of lost data will
he change his ways.  There are probably others like this.  Bailing someone
out is sometimes the best way to ensure the bad habits persist as they don't
see reason to change their ways.  I'm not suggesting letting things fail
intentionally, but I think the point is understandable nonetheless.


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