Doug wrote:
> Jochen Schulz wrote:
> >Martin Lorenz:
> > > Thanks to all, who helped
> > >
> > > it definitely was a rootkit.  came in by this exim bug:
> >
> > Just out of curiosity: do you know when the attacker succeeded? The DSA
> > was published Dec 10th. Did you have a (theoretical) chance to install
> > the patch beofre the attack?
> I wish you would elaborate.  What is a DSA, and what is the patch to which
> you refer? (DSA: Denial of Service Attack?)

DSA is Debian Security Advisories.  Each one is numbered for later
reference.  You can read about them here.

I recommend subscribing to the debian-security-announce mailing list.
Then you will get notice of each advisory as it is posted.  It is a
low volume list for announcements only.

> I assume the patch is something that repels rootkit attacks. Is the
> patch applicable to all Linux distros?  Is it likely to appear in
> the repo? Would my distro most likely include it in the usual
> upgrades I do every few days?

If you haven't already done so you should also make sure that you have
the security repository included in your APT sources.list file.

  deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free

Replace "lenny" in the above with the name of your current release.

The exim4 advisory is this one:

I install all security upgrades as quickly as possible on all of my


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