In <>, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>"Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <> writes:
>> In <>, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>>>It seems that the maximum size of internet temporary files on my Debian
>>>Lenny system is 5.5MB.  How can I enlarge it at my pleasure?
>> How you know how to ask smart questions?
>> <>
>All right, I didn't want to be prolix.

I understand the sentiment, but you erred on the side of not enough 
information.  By the time your mail got to my MUA, the headers were 3-4 times 
the size of the message, even with the footer the list appended to it.

So, making your message 2-3 times longer wouldn't have significantly increased 
it's load on anyone's system.

It happens that browser caches aren't currently shared between different 
browsers, generally.  So, at the minimum we need to know your browser and 

>This happens when I try to catch a
>streaming video from internet.  On my system, while the video is running
>from the web, it is stored in the directory
>~/.mozilla/firefox/<garbage>/Cache. After it's all stored, I collect it
>from there and `mv' it at my pleasure.

So, we are talking Firefox/Iceweasel here, not a browser I use incredibly 

>Now, usually when the file reaches
>5.5MB, a new file is created in /tmp and the loading continues there.  So
>the video gets broken into small pieces that I have to search for here and
>there, which is uncomfortable.  That's why I want to know how to get rid of
>that limit of 5.5MB.

Sounds like some pretty Firefox-specific magic.  I suggest attempting to find 
a more Firefox-focused forum and pose your question there.  If you are using 
Iceweasel and the people knowledgeable about Firefox take issue with that, I 
believe there are Ubuntu Firefox .debs that should be installable (and 
*uninstallable*) on your Debian system.  The vast majority of Iceweasel's 
user-editable configuration is shared with Firefox; I can't think of any that 

Finally, as a work-around there may be some tools / add-ons that may be able 
to grab the whole file, or at least automatically knit the 5.5MB chunks 
together.  I think I used something called "download them all" at one time.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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