On Du, 16 ian 11, 22:55:13, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> What I mean is, the kernel changes to add broadcom and other
> firmware ... will those parts be non-free or will they remain as
> extras required as they are now.
> I did an install using squeeze rc1 and without using media with
> non-free firmware, it would have been more difficult.
> If the broadcom and other extras coming in 2.6.37 are non-free
> additions, then that would be fantastic; if they aren't well, it
> would be a pity.

I still don't understand exactly what you mean, but maybe this helps:

Debian is only the stuff in "main", everything else (like "contrib" and 
"non-free") is provided only as a service to the users. See point 4 and 
5 of the Social Contract (one of the links in my previous mail).

The Linux kernel used to be the big exception since it contained 
non-free firmware, but was still distributed in "main". This has changed 
now for squeeze. To the best knowledge of the developers, all non-free 
firmware has been split out in firmware-linux-nonfree and is available 
only from the "non-free" archive. AFAIK this was possible also due to 
the help from upstream (the kernel developers), where firmware has been 
split from the drivers.

Considering all of the above, I doubt non-free firmware will ever be 
distributed in "main" again, unless by mistake (bugs can happen). In 
case you need the non-free firmware during the installation there are 
special non-free CD images containing the firmware or you can build you 
own USB stick with all needed stuff.

Hope this explains,
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