I don't know what's going on, but I've been getting literally hundreds of
virus/worm-looking emails per hour all day today.  I grew tired of it and
wrote the following Sieve script to filter my mail on the server.

The pseudo-bounce messages were particularly annoying; they're close enough
to the real bounce messages that I *want* to keep that they justified a
little closer examination.  I'll probably tighten the other message type to
also examine the sender, but I doubt I'll be getting any legitimate mails
that look like:

    Subject: latest security patch

in the near future.  Anyway, enjoy as you see fit.


#### Virus detection
# 2003-09-18: Something stupid and Microsofty
if anyof(
    # This one is super-annoying; it mimics real bounce messages
        header :matches "From" [
            "ms*" ],
        header :matches "From" [
        header :is "Subject" [
            "abort advice",
            "abort letter",
            "Error Notice",
            "mail: user unknown",
            "Returned Mail",
            "returned message" ]
    # "Current Security Pack", "New Security Update", etc.
        header :matches "Subject" [
            "newest*" ],
        header :matches "Subject" [
            "*patch" ]
    fileinto "INBOX.virus.2003-09-18";


Kirk Strauser
The Strauser Group
Open. Solutions. Simple.

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