Hi all.

Per the title, I'd love to get your input on how to debug/fix this
particular issue. A description of my setup:

Asus UL30A-X5 Laptop
1.3GHz Intel SU7300 Core 2 Duo
Intel GMA 4500MHD

Running Debian sid on a coLinux 0.7.8 (uname -a: "Linux colinux #1 PREEMPT Wed Sep 1 22:49:51 UTC 2010 i686
GNU/Linux") inside of Windows XP Pro SP3. The error is reproducible
100% of the time. When the machine goes into standby, either
automatically or manually, init (or something else? see below),
crashes and takes the system down with it.

I've read that gdb can't attach to init by design, so I tried strace.
Output is attached as strace.log

Now, since I assumed the problem was with init, I switched to upstart,
but that's not working either. See upstart.log, attached.

I've also ruled out coLinux (and with it, its kernel) by trying one of
the filesystem images they provide. When using that, there is no
problem bringing the machine in and out of standby repeatedly.

Does anyone have any idea of how I could further narrow down where the
problem lies, or point me in the direction of the proper mailing list
to direct my question?

My apologies if I've left out any important detail. Please let me know
if you have any questions.

Arturo R.

Attachment: upstart.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: strace.log
Description: Binary data

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