On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:45 AM, artorius <artoriusf...@gmx.com> wrote:

> hi, it's my first post and i'm newbie on debian an ubuntu too.
> the prbolem is that i have tried to install ubuntu rigt after the setup
> of debian and the laptop (hp nc6000) gives me this message:
> (process:285) : Glib - warning xx : getpw id : failed due to unknown
> user (0) id.
first - we were all new once. however, when you post a question, atleast
take the time to reread it. proper grammar is good, but i don't hold that
against people for whom english is not their first language. but, not even
giving a crap about what you are typing....

second, switch to a console and do a 'cat /proc/version; tail -10
/var/log/messages'  and we might be able to provide more insight.

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