My system rebooted yesterday. I had a 3 hour power outage due to a tree falling on the power lines down the street. After I got a few emails, telling me my date was wrong, I noticed that it said it was tomorrow already. I tried to change it, but when I selected "Adjust date & time" from the systray, & clicked OK. It brought up a window for my admin password, saying time-admin needed system priveleges. When I put in the password, the screen just disappeared. So I thought I'd look up ntp packages in Synaptic. I went to System-administration-Synaptic package manager & clicked on it. Again, the screen blinked & disappeared. From a "#" terminal prompt I can run synaptic & it brings up the package manager. It seems something may be wrong with my system, but I'm not sure what.

As far as the time being wrong, what is the "Normal" ntp package that gets installed, or could be installed? I have a package installed, ntpdate, but it doesn't look like it has a daemon. I tried ntpd & openntpd but when I run them ( /etc/init.d/ntpd start) they fail, with no log entries anywhere. suggestions?

Paul Cartwright

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