
On Saturday 05 February 2011 12.07:08 Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> now with the imminent release of squeeze, I'd like to know what is a
> good replacement of lenny's amarok as both an audio player and
> application to access my ipod.

This question is better addressed to the upstream (KDE) mailing lists.

I know that Amarok 2 vs. 1.4 has generated quite a bit of noise. However, it 
is not feasible (meaning: nobody who would be able to do it has time and/or 
motivation) to continue maintaining Amarok 1.4.  So there's just not much we 
(as "Debian") can do.

Sorry if this may not be the answer you're looking for.

Adrian von Bidder

Focusing on encryption is like sticking a tall stake in the ground and
hoping the enemy runs right into it, instead of building a wide wall.
        -- Bruce Schneier

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