
> On the 07/02/2011 08:49, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>>> In <>, lrhorer wrote:
>>> 1.  How can I move the launch bar from the bottom of the screen to
>>> the top of the screen and get it to automatically hide?
>> To move:
>> 1. Right click panel -> "Unlock Widgets"
>> 2. Right click panel -> "Panel Options" -> "Panel Settings"
>> 3. Click and drag "Screen Edge" to put it where you want it.
>> To auto-hide:
>> 1. Right click panel -> "Unlock Widgets"
>> 2. Right click panel -> "Panel Options" -> "Panel Settings"
>> 3. "More Settings" -> "Auto-hide"
>>> 2. How can I change the shading of the tabs for the terminal
>>> screens? They are far too light, so it is difficult to tell which
>>> tab is in focus and which ones are inactive.
> [cut]
> Hello, regarding Konsole tabs contrast you can go to "systemsettings"
> (kde4 configuration panel) and there choose "appearance > colors" and
> select the "options" tab. You will find a slider control to adjust the
> theme contrast level. (systemsettings items names are from the top off
> my head, and translated from French, so don't get lost in there !).
> Hope it helps.

        It does.  Thanks to both of you.

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