Antti Peltonen wrote:


Our "companys" proxy server is pain in the ass.. all web access _must_ go thru it and on some really mind boglingly stupid reason it decompresses Gzipped files as default. And suprise suprise the maintaince crew is unwilling to change this behaviour.

Because of this behaviour apt-get cant receive the Package files correctly since it pipes files thru gzip which returns an error because its no longer gzipped file since the proxy decompressed it allready.

After reading several how-tos etc and man pages I still cant find any suitable configuration parameter for changing this behaviour of apt-get so that it would not pipe the data thru gzip.

Has anyone _any_ idea howto get around this? I could allways make redirected sockets to one of our unix servers and thru there bypass the proxy but its ugly,ugly,ugly way to achieve this. If there is no ready "wrapper" or patched apt-get or that mystical config parameter which im not able to find anywhere I probably need to sacrifice few minutes for coding a patch + some CPU time for gcc -)

Didn't you ask this last month?

Well, your the judge of what is "ugly, ugly, ugly" but if you have access to one of your Unix servers, and if it has direct internet access (which I'm guessing it does by your proposal) and a perl parser and web server, you could run apt-cacher on it. (Anyone guessing by now that I like that program? ;) ) Then again, maybe it's "ugly" because you don't really have access to those Unix servers either.

Your network isn't doing NAT and only proxied data passes to the internet? No ftp or ssh?

If you are the person who asked this last month, then I guess you looked into that apt program that allows you to download on one system, save to removable media, and then upgrade off of that media from the other system.

I hope then that someone else knows this undocumented param, or that it isn't difficult for you to hack it in so you can download the Packages instead of the compressed Packages.gz file. Before you do all that work, have you tried downloading a .deb package via http? If they also get killed by the proxy virus scanner, getting the Packages file down is not worth anything. I second the opinions stated last time. If the scanner is choking on a gzipped text file, how can it do better on a .deb?

You've sent a scathing email to the virus scan company right? ;)
(You may want to find a more local mirror.)


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