Dr. Ed Morbius schreef:
on 16:24 Wed 23 Feb, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. (b...@iguanasuicide.net) wrote:
On Wednesday 23 February 2011 15:11:25 Carlos Mennens wrote:

3. Debian installer defaults to creating user group names which is just a
Actually, I prefer user group names. I'm not sure I have a really strong argument for them. What facts support your assertion that they are "just a mess".

The most compelling argument I could think of would be that NFS *still*
only allows a maximum of (IIRC) 16 groups IDs to be associated with a
given user.

I said "most compelling".  I didn't say compelling.  IMO this is a
severe deficiency of NFS (of which it's not particularly lacking
Since when does nfs keep track of the groups a user belongs to? So how can nfs have a limit on the number of groups that a user can belong to?


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