Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Lu, 21 feb 11, 10:01:42, PMA wrote:

I gather from docs that the problem was my ISDN connection which,
after the reboot following "install -udev", Squeeze simply disabled.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

httpd://, just before
Sec, says "ISDN is supported, but not during the installation".

So I've now on another box downloaded debian-6.0.0-i386-DVD-1-iso
and cat'd it to a usb stick; then on my half-upgraded box mounted the
stick on /media/usbdisk and edited /etc/apt/sources.list to say just
                    deb file:/media/usbdisk stable main contrib
And now I've run "apt-get update", which responds
                    Get:1 file: stable Release 900B
      [though] Ign file: ... [the specified components]

At this point, can I safely proceed with "apt-get dist-upgrade"
(the upgrade-doc's first command (4.4.6) after that reboot)?

It's difficult to say, because I don't know if the first DVD has all the
needed packages to upgrade your box to squeeze. Maybe you should post
here the output of 'apt-get dist-upgrade -s' (-s means "simulate").

The DVD need only go far enough to re-establish net access.  Once the
install process finished, I'd continue via the net as originally intended.

But in any case, I have switched tracks here: saved aside all my "stuff",
wiped the system disk clean, installed Squeeze from scratch via the stick,
brought my stuff back -- and Voila!, everything works.

It's tempting to think that this strategy -- where feasible, of course --
would also be preferable for anyone.  Or maybe I was just lucky.

Thanks for your caution.

Hope this helps,

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