On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 01:22:31PM -0700, gerald simpkin wrote:
> What I am most concerned about is getting help with the Debian
> problem I described (although it should be noted to send
> questions in plain text if that is the way you want to get it).
> I went to the Debian organizations website and it said if a new
> user (paraphrasing) has a problem to send questions to this
> email address (did not mention format). I got your message now
> what about an answer to my question?

You got one. From Colin Watson, no less... did you not see it? I
reproduce it below:

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 05:41:55AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 03:43:13PM -0700, gerald simpkin wrote:
> > I am a new user of Debian. I have the operating system installed but
> > due to some difficulties cannot seem able to install packages. At
> > install when I use apt it starts okay but then I get a configuration
> > error in configuring Binutils . I do not need to tell you how
> > important this feature is. It returns an error trouble linking kernel.
> > It says this problem occurs in older kernels and some new (woody is
> > using an old kernel?). It further says the problem is not with the
> > linker but the kernel source. It says to edit linker script for
> > architecture. It goes on to give an example, 'arch/i386/vmlinux.lds'.
> Here's the full text of the message you're seeing:
> Description: Kernel link failure info
>  You may experience problems linking older (and some newer) kernels with
>  this version of binutils.  This is not because of a bug in the linker, but
>  rather a bug in the kernel source.  This is being worked out and fixed by
>  the upstream kernel group in newer kernels, but not all of the problems
>  may have been fixed at this time.  Older kernel versions will almost
>  always exhibit the problem, however, and no attempts are being made to fix
>  those that we know of.
>  .
>  There are a few work-arounds, but the most reliable is to edit the linker
>  script for your architecture (e.g. arch/i386/vmlinux.lds) and remove the
>  '*(.text.exit)' entry from the 'DISCARD' line.  It will bloat the kernel
>  somewhat, but it should link properly.
> That's not an error, it's an informational notice. As long as you never
> plan to compile older kernels (meaning older than 2.4.17 or so), you can
> simply ignore this notice, press OK, and carry on.
> > Anyway there is no arch directory. The script suggested I access file
> > vmlinux.lds and remove an entry on a discard line called
> > *(.text.exit). Unless I can find that file or the directory and then
> > the file I cannot try anything.
> You only need to do this if you are compiling a kernel and having
> problems. If not, you do not need to take any action.
> If after OKing that message apt-get is still stuck, then please post the
> exact text of the error message it gives you.
> > I know you guys did not release woody with such a critical defect. I
> > have CDs from a endor with a link on a Debian wedsite. The bill for
> > this copy is going into dispute for this and other reasons.
> I don't know about the other reasons, but there should be no need to
> trouble a CD vendor with this one. In general disputing a bill with a CD
> vendor due to bugs in Debian seems unfair to me; they're acting in good
> faith. Your mileage may vary, I gues.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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