On Du, 27 feb 11, 22:05:16, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> Nope.  Going 64-bit all the way. Have the CD burned and everything.  
> All previous Fedora installs on this machine have been 64-bit.  I see 
> no reason to change.  I'm aware of 64-bit pitfalls:  mainly, the lack 
> of a 64-bit Flash plugin that isn't an alpha or beta.  I may just 
> install a 32-bit browser (and proper 32-bit libraries) and use 32-bit 
> plugins.  I did this with Fedora 6 64-bit and never had any problems.  
> I've never had good results wrapping 32-bit plugins.

That sounds complicated, how about this: activate non-free and

apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree

(works fine also on amd64)

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