Concur. Unlike windows tools, Linux GUI tools (should) build on the existing
command line tools. So using the command line version should give you the
same effect as using the gui. Case in point, I use apt-get or aptitude
(primarily the latter), instead of synaptic or one of the gui tools
available. For me, its the way I was brought up, and if I am honest, apt-get
install <foo> is far quicker than opening synaptic, searching through the
packages, selecting and installing.


On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Andrei Popescu <>wrote:

> On Sb, 19 mar 11, 22:19:45, Joel Rees wrote:
> >
> > Speaking of which, are the command line user/group management tools
> > (adduser, etc.) going to leave something undone if I use them instead?
> > Or, if I use vipw and hand-copy the bash skeleton, for a user, am I
> > going to regret it later?
> AFAIK adduses is THE standard tool for creating users on Debian.
> Regards,
> Andrei
> --
> Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:
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