On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Andrei Popescu
<andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mi, 30 mar 11, 16:17:52, Chris Brennan wrote:
> >
> > So why the hell is apache being installed/upgraded on a desktop install
> w/
> > no "server" services?
> It's being upgraded, which means it is already installed on your system.
> Try 'aptitude why apache2.2-bin', maybe it will shed some light on why
> it is installed.
> Regards,
> Andrei
> --
> Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/d-community-offtopic

Ya I just did that and it was installed because of gnome .... I don't
remember installing gnome ... when I installed my laptop, I chose no WM nor
X as I wanted to learn how to do it *the debian way* using apt-get/aptitude.
I went from X to fluxbox and gnome wasn't an inbetween. I imagine some deps
where installed with other packages but upon checking .... I have a full
gnome install and I *know* I didn't install it, so I am left scratching my

root@Blackdragon:~# aptitude why apache2.2-bin
i   gnome                     Depends gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:2.30+7)
i A gnome-desktop-environment Depends gnome-user-share (>= 2.30)
i A gnome-user-share          Depends apache2.2-bin


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