Thank you very much to everyone who answered my query:

On 8 April 2011 11:18, Chen Wei <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 05:52:25PM +1000, Rob Hurle wrote:
>>   I have an EeePC 4G (the 701) and I'm trying to put Debian Squeeze on
>> to it.  I've RTFM and read the wiki, and got to the stage of having a
>> USB stick that boots the netinst version.  The EeePC is connected to
>> the Internet by a proven cable (not wireless).  The USB stick boots to
>> the install screen (looks good) and I can use the touch pad to
>> navigate around that.  But, when I choose anything from that menu, the
>> system hangs.  CTL-ALT-DEL reboots, and it seems to be the only way to
>> get out of it, short of removing the battery.  The power button does
>> nothing.
> it could be a video model problem, try press TAB and custom the boot
> option, *avoid* any fancy vga= parameter.

This worked, and I booted and installed Squeeze.  I had to install
just the base system as disc space on the 4GB model is too limited.
Then I used apt-get to install what I think I need.  First attempt was
to install KDE, which did install, but it took up most of the disc, so
it's now 95% full.  I'm about to look at this issue.  Thanks again.

Rob Hurle
Rob Hurle
ANU, College of Asia and the Pacific
School of Culture, History and Language
Histories of Asia and the Pacific
Telephone (ANU): +61 2 6125 3169
Mobile (in VN):  +84 948 243 538
Mobile (in OZ):  +61 417 293 603

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