hi list,

as a first time debian-user subscriber, I feel been buried alive by
incoming emails, though I heard there are some monster maillists, 
linux kernel maillist for example, are carrying even heavier traffic.
Wondering how to manage so many emails, out of curiosity, I did a 
statistics on choice of mail client and email service, based on 1494
messages received since subscribed to this list. Here is what I found.

MUA                                 | email provider
Gmail                      83 25.7% | gmail.com                 110 34.1% | 
Mozilla                    75 23.2% | debian.org                  8  2.5% | 
Mutt                       54 16.7% | gmx.de                      4  1.2% | 
Unknown                    20  6.2% | yahoo.com                   3  0.9% | 
KMail                      15  4.6% | web.de                      3  0.9% | 
Gnus                       11  3.4% | cox.net                     3  0.9% | 
Evolution                  11  3.4% | comcast.net                 3  0.9% | 
Claws                      11  3.4% | well-adjusted.de            2  0.6% | 
Sylpheed                    6  1.9% | pobox.com                   2  0.6% | 
Apple                       3  0.9% | karall-edv.at               2  0.6% | 
Zimbra                      2  0.6% | googlemail.com              2  0.6% | 
YahooMailRC                 2  0.6% | gmx.net                     2  0.6% | 
YahooMailClassic            2  0.6% | free.fr                     2  0.6% | 
Pan                         2  0.6% | daniel-gr-andersson.com     2  0.6% | 
MessagingEngine.com         2  0.6% | arcor.de                    2  0.6% | 
Loom                        2  0.6% | zoho.com                    1  0.3% | 
Alpine                      2  0.6% | yxit.co.uk                  1  0.3% | 
tin                         1  0.3% | yahoo.com.hk                1  0.3% | 
slrn                        1  0.3% | yahoo.co.in                 1  0.3% | 
netcat                      1  0.3% | ya.ru                       1  0.3% | 

Total Messages: 1494
Total Users: 323

The short story is, GMAIL prevail.

Chen Wei
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to count what kind of mail client folks are using in maillist
import os
import re

def guess_mua(received_from):
    pattern = {'google.com':'Gmail', 'blackberry':'Blackberry',
               'yahoo.com':'Yahoo', 'nabble.com':'Nabble'}
    mua = None
    for key in pattern:
        if key in received_from:
            mua = pattern[key]
    if not mua:
        mua = 'Unknown'
    return mua

mailfiles = os.walk('/home/wei/.Maildir/Debian-User')

maildir_files = []
for mail in mailfiles:
    dirpath = mail[0]
    for f in mail[2]:
        maildir_files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, f))

mailstat = {}
for m in maildir_files:
    content = open(m)
    mua = None
    sender = None
    for line in content:
        if line.startswith('From:'):
            address = re.findall('[^<\s]+@[^>\s]+', line)
            if address:
                sender = address[0]
                sender = line.rstrip()[5:] # string after 'From: '

        for agent_header in ('User-Agent:', 'X-Mailer:' , 'X-Newsreader:'):
            if line.startswith(agent_header):
                mua = line.rstrip().split(":")[1].split()[0].split('/')[0]
                if 'Thunderbird' in mua:
                    mua = 'Mozilla'
        if sender:
            if mua:
        if line.startswith('Received: from'):
            received_from = line
    if not mua:
        mua = guess_mua(received_from)
    mailstat[sender] = mua

def sort_count(input_list):
    '''given a list, return a 2D list sorted by item count'''
    count = {}
    for mua in input_list:
        if count.has_key(mua):
            count[mua] += 1
            count[mua] = 1
    count_sort = []
    for mua in count:
        count_sort.append((count[mua], mua))
    return count_sort

domains = []
for sender in mailstat:
    except Exception:

mua_statis = sort_count(mailstat.values())
mail_provider = sort_count(domains)

# pretty print
def line_gen(item, total):
    line = '{0:<25} {1:>3} {2:>5} | '.format(item[1], str(item[0]),
                                  '{0:.1%}'.format(item[0] / float(total)))
    return line

total_user = len(mailstat)
for x in range(20):
    line = line_gen(mua_statis[x], total_user)
    line += line_gen(mail_provider[x], total_user)
    print line

def sum_counted_list(mylist):
    count = 0
    for item in mylist:
        count += item[0]
    return count

print '\nTotal Users: ' + str(total_user)

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