I am new at sending bug reports to Debian, so please bear with me, and my
English too.

I have found a possibly "grave" bug in a weekly dvd iso distribution of
Debian Wheezy.
The problem is that the system can not be installed on my Compaq Presario
CQ61 notebook.
The only custom setting I made is to give debian only /dev/sda1 partition
instead of the whole hard drive.
Even with the default settings, installation ends up with "The 'grub-pc'
package failed to install into /target/."
Many other settings (including expert mode ones) I've tried lead to the same
That's already a "grave" bug, in my opinion.

Then I tried to get into installed system using "Rescue mode" of the
installation dvd, but that system does not contain "grub-install" utility.

Then I tried more:
1. I used another liveCD to put "debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso" on the hard
drive and edited "/etc/apt/sources.list" to use that iso as a file
repository with "mount -o loop".

2. I booted to "Rescue mode" of Debian installation DVD and made some chroot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
mount -t proc proc /mnt/proc
mount -t sysfs sys /mnt/sys
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
mkdir /dvd
mount -o loop /debian.iso /dvd

3 I installed new grub as I can
apt-get update
apt-get install grub-pc (that launched grub-install)
grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/menu.lst

This made a bootable, but generally unusable buggy system.
It doesn't bring up network interface on boot. I have to do "ifup eth0"
manually despite the settings of /etc/network/interfaces
It cannot bring up my wifi adapter at all. Even with "wireless-tools" and
"wpasupplicant" installed and configured (using config files from my
previous Debian Squeeze installation), i can't even see it in "ifconfig -a"
listing. In Squeeze that card worked fine.
When i tried to "aptitude install xserver-xorg kdm kdebase", X didn't start.
I couldn't find any useful information in /var/log/Xorg.0.log - X seems  to
have "Segmentation fault" for no reason.
So I don't have information about desktop envoronment bugs, because I've
stopped at that point.
There are also some problems with localization in console I never
experienced with Squeeze.
I think there's something wrong with the initial settings of the system.

Please do not tell me that the only way is to connect to the Internet. I
have good Internet connection through ISP's pptp service. It can't be set up
during Debian installation.

I need a distro which can be installed.
At least,  please give me a working step-by-step manual how to prorperly
install Wheezy from its installation DVD.

Best regards, Tigran.

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