2011/4/20 Jim Green <student.northwest...@gmail.com>

> Hello!
> what should be the best practice here right now? I use cpan command to
> install some modules that are not available in debian. but how about
> those not up-to-date ones?

What about using locallib+cpan or a chrooted+(cpan|sid) enviromment for your
perl applications?
Leonardo Ruoso - Jornalista/Desenvolvedor
Assessoria de Imprensa. Consultoria de Marketing. Desenvolvimento e
Integração de Software.
Comunicação Social/Jornalismo - UFC/2006. Telecomunicações - ETFCE/1998.
Foos, Perl, Debian Gnu/Linux, Agile, UML, DBA e OOP. Coaching/NLP. Inglês e
http://leonardo.ruoso.com - http://www.linkedin.com/in/lruoso

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