On Mi, 27 apr 11, 12:09:56, Klistvud wrote:
> Seems a quite reasonable policy to me. Of course, we all wish we
> could run free software ponly on our machines, but the time doesn't
> seem ripe for that. 

But we are getting closer every year:

$ aptitude search '~s"non-free|contrib"~i!~M'
i   firmware-iwlwifi                - Binary firmware for Intel Wireless 3945, 4
i   flashplugin-nonfree             - Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin       
i   nvidia-glx                      - NVIDIA binary Xorg driver                 
i   nvidia-settings                 - Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics d
i   opera                           - A fast and secure web browser and Internet
i   skype                           - Skype                                     
i   sun-java6-plugin                - The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6           
i   unrar                           - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free versio

of these I could get rid of Opera anytime (I don't actually use it, but 
I test it from time to time) and probably the Java plugin (I don't even 
recall why it's installed).

There is work in progress for replacements for the nvidia driver and the 
flash plugin (but still not entirely there).

firmware-iwlwifi will be tough, because Intel claims it has to do with 
(FCC?) compliance and unrar because it's still quite widespread (but 
actually useless for compressed movies and mp3s, so it's more of a user 
education thing).

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