I'm addicted to Debian and I need a new notebook, but I don't like replacing
my hardware too often.

I suppose requiring a FullHD display is a good strategy to buy a new
notebook and keep it for the next 10 years :-)

Brazil has a program of low interest rates for computers manufactured in the
country (Sony, Dell, etc..).

What about a checklist to not buy anything with a poor Debian support?

I don't mind using Sid/Experimental. I'm running Gnome 3 on
an originally sarge computer by now and I'm very happy with it.

I recently bought my wife a Sony vpc-ea43fb and got it running well after
pushing it to the experimental kernel. No luck with testing. It's not a
problem, but it's a pretty basic/cheap model with a 1366x768 display and I'd
like to get something more interesting :-)


Leonardo Ruoso - Jornalista/Desenvolvedor
Assessoria de Imprensa. Consultoria de Marketing. Desenvolvimento e
Integração de Software.
Comunicação Social/Jornalismo - UFC/2006. Telecomunicações - ETFCE/1998.
Foos, Perl, Debian Gnu/Linux, Agile, UML, DBA e OOP. Coaching/NLP. Inglês e
http://leonardo.ruoso.com - http://www.linkedin.com/in/lruoso

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