On May 3, 2011 1:41 PM, "green" <greenfreedo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> shawn wilson wrote at 2011-05-03 10:55 -0500:
> > On May 3, 2011 11:06 AM, "green" <greenfreedo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Probably the Nokia N810 does not count, considering it is not GSM or
> > > capable.  And at this point it seems unlikely that Debian will ever
run on
> > > it.
> >
> > Whaaaaat? Might want to Google again. IIRC, Nokia's phones were the
> > to linux 5+ years before Apple or Google ever thought of making a phone.
> > n7xx, n8xx and n9xx should run most (if not all?) linux programs that
can be
> > compiled on an ARM.
> >
> > IIRC, OS2008 was a port of debian.
> I expected a response like this. ;)
> By "run Debian" I mean actually run Debian armel.  I have run Debian and a
> linux-omap-2.6 kernel on the N810 in the past, but the battery drained
> no GPS, no X, couldn't read internal mmc, audio problems, etc.  Basically,
> "it didn't work".  There are some howtos for running Debian or Ubuntu, but
> either they are chroots, or the required packages no longer exist.  Even
> using a Debian chroot has not worked for me, because I always use
> for my files and neither LUKS/cryptsetup nor encfs work with the Maemo
> kernel.  I have spent a little time trying to rebuild the Maemo kernel,
> the custom init stuff just makes it all more complicated, and I have not
> found a howto that includes rebuilding the initfs.
> Or I could keep it simple and just say "running Debian means using
> Linux".  I have been told that at least GPS and power management will
> never be supported by mainline.
> I suppose the story is unfortunately the same with the N900.  I will not
> purchase one for "running Debian" unless I see real evidence of mainline
> support.
> https://elektranox.org/n900/kernel/status.html

Yeah but all of this means your Nokia is light years ahead of any idevice or
Android of running linux. Some hardware might not work but you can still
have a custom linux kernel and run linux apps.

For instance, I can ssh into my box from my phone and open vi. You can get
vi and open it on your n800.

Ps- lisi are you inferring that products that are no longer manufactured
should not be supported by the open source community? I truly hope not.

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