On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Tom Allison <t...@tacocat.net> wrote:

> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Chris Brennan <xa...@xaerolimit.net>wrote:
>> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Tom Allison <t...@tacocat.net> wrote:
>> This just got harder.
>>> I'm trying to just do a reinstall but I only have a macbook to work from.
>>> And the installation media can only be a USB drive.
>>> I am having all kinds of trouble getting an ISO image onto the USB that
>>> will work.
>>> I can 'cat debian.iso > /dev/disk1s1' well enough.
>>> And the machine will recognize the disk at start up, but it never sees it
>>> as a bootable device and just hangs.
>>> Many of the other instructions are assuming you have a working linux box,
>>> which I don't.  The files/packages I need to download to build a bootable
>>> image I don't have and I can not get either -- apt-get is locked up on
>>> dependencies that I'm unable to resolve.
>>> First: when I download a ISO for the Debian netinst image it's reported
>>> as 'unable to open' on mac.
>>> "no mountable file systems" is the exact error.
>> Don't top post. Don't use cat either, try dd if=/image.iso of=/disk1s1.
>> You will need to first turn the boot magic-bit on, w/ a/ sysctl cmd (I know
>> it works in *bsd, not sure about OS X.
>> Take the top posting up with Google.  I'll try to remember.  Even though
> it's lame, top posting seems to be pretty common.
> I can get the .iso loaded from a linux box via 'cat'  That is about the
> only thing that works with my linux box right now.
> Once i get that part done I have a directory of files on my USB image, but
> now the "stupid" machine won't recognize it as a bootable device.  As for
> your sysctl cmd -- I have not a clue of how this fits in with anything at
> sysctl reads system variables and doesn't seem to have much about it setting
> magic bits.  Is there something similar to this on a linux platform?

I think I found my very simple mistake.
Big difference between /dev/sda and /dev/sda1.  At least I'm getting the USB
to boot.  Nice graphics on the first page!
Now it's just a matter of time!!!

I forgot something about Linux.  Instructions are very precise, unlike many
things you run into.

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