Hello there. I got an annoying problem with flash sound. On some services
(eg Grooveshark) I hear scratches and deformities during playback. The
actuall track is
heard on the background though. I have flash installed through the
flashplugin-nonfree packages. The problem even exists on Google Chrome,
which is supposed to
use a flash installation of its own. As far as I know flash version is not
the latest. I am using Debian testing on a Dell Studio 1555 laptop with kde
and alsa.

00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio
Controller (rev 03) : This is what lspci gives me about my sound card. This
may be related
to my problem, cause for a few weeks vlc gives me an error that the
soundcard is already in use when another sound is already playing.

In case you need more info, just tell.

Thanks in advance for your help,


P.S: Please CC me in your replies cause I am not subscribed to this mailing

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