On Sb, 04 iun 11, 02:31:28, Doug wrote:
> >
> I opened the suggested url, and read the following intro: "*Reader
> Prerequisites*: To get the most from this
> article, understand the following concepts before reading: basic
> unix command line tools, text editors,
> DNS, TCP/IP, DHCP, netmask, gateway"
> I'm not afraid of command line tools and I can use nano or pico, or
> mc  (yes, I've been around
> since WordStar days)--vi is a problem--but some of the network terms
> are not really clear
> to me.  The only one I'm sure of is netmask, but I'm not sure if
> that is fixed to a machine or
> that is the "dynamic" part of DHCP. Nor do I know where the "name"
> in DNS comes from.
> As you see, I wasn't kidding about knowing about networking.

Hello Doug,

I would suggest (in this order):

1. read on Wikipedia about all the terms above you don't understand
    - ask questions here for anything you don't understand (be specific
      and open a new thread for each question)
2. open a new thread with a good subject and describe exactly
    - what computers you have (with OS and computer names if possible)
    - what other hardware you have (printers and such)
    - what network devices you have (including exact model)
    - how are they all connected to each other
    - what you want to achieve

Yes, it's not easy, but my impression is you don't want to be spoon-fed, 
but instead really understand what you would be doing :)

P.S. Before you start, this is an excelent read
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