> These are some of the issues:
> 1. Windows manager is "unknown" and no configuration tool is registered
> 2. windows are launched at the top of the screen & I cannot drag
> these elsewhere
> 3. clicking a mouse on a window does not bring it to the fore
> 4. there are no longer multiple workspaces
> 5. windows do not have the 'x' in the corner to close, nor any
> option to minimise/ enlarge

I am afraid to state the obvious after so many replies in this thread,
but apparently your window manager isn't running. I would open a
terminal and try running metacity from there. If it crashes for some
reason, you at least have a change to spot a helpful error message in
the terminal. BTW, did you take a look at ~/.xsession-errors?

I am no longer prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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