On 06/10/11 at 07:42am, Mark Panen wrote:
> Hi
> Been googling for this with no success. I have tried init 3 and teinit
> 3 and the runlevel command shows i am at runlevel 3 but X is still on
> and i cannot install a Nvidia driver.

telinit 3 should work for you, what does `who -r` show?
Why do you want runlevel 3? Debian typically only uses runlevel 2 for normal
operation. Changing to 3 shouldn't have any effect whatsoever. 

If you want to turn off X, type ctrl-alt-f1 to get to tty1. Then run
/etc/init.d/{your-display-manager} stop.  Your display manager is probably gdm,
but could be xdm, kdm, slim... look for the presence of one of these scripts. 

X will then be stopped and you can run the nvidia installer. Are you following
the recommended method of installing the nvidia driver? Here is the wiki on
that in case you don't have it:



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