On 16 June 2011 01:59, Wayne Topa <linux...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 06/15/2011 10:55 AM, David Baron wrote:
>> After being assured by a maintainer that the problems in upgrading were
>> fixed
>> in -7, I upgraded, without a hitch ... except now everything segfaults,
>> even
>> after reboot. I had also upgraded x-windows stuff dependent on that which
>> made
>> things even worse.
>> Actually, the reboot proceeds perfectly. Only when I log on and have a
>> shell
>> (i.e. bash, sh) does everything crash out. So the bug might be there and
>> not
>> in the libc6-7!

> Strange that I am not seeing the same problems as you are but have some of
> my own.  I think that most my problems are udevd related:
> 1. k3b can't find the cd/dvd device
> 2. the usblp module can't find the printer
> 3. root login on ttys0 logs in then jumps to another tty and login there
> then jumps to yet another tty and only stops jumping when a
> user logs in.
> That was from the 2011-06-11 upgrade
> But hey we are running unstable so this is to be expected.  Don't sweat te
> small stuff.  It will be fixed within days so run wheezy for a while.

That's right!
Unstable is never advertised as 'production ready' and these things are to
be expected.
I'm in the same boat, with freezes predominantly with KDE apps, but not
completely restricted to that. The freeze seems to clear itself after about
a minute.
It'll right itself after an upgrade in a couple of days.


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by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

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