On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 06:33:39AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> you need a header message-ID for mailing list replies?  Pardon, but
> IMO this is strange.

Why is it strange? That is the header that allows threading to work
properly. If anything, Message-ID: is more important on-list than
off-list. Without it you can't build References: or In-Reply-To:
headers, leaving only Subject: to thread by, and as we all know, that's
a terrible way to try maintaining the structure of a thread. If I change
Subject: the thread gets broken, if I use the same Subject: as someone
else, the threads most probably get merged. In fact, with *only*
Message-ID:, In-Reply-To:, References: and *no* other headers, threading
would still work.

> I guess I've solved the reply issue. When I group reply without
> marking the text that should be quoted, so without making quotation
> comfortable ;), everything seems to be formatted correctly, but sorry,
> re-editing the header would be too much effort.

Sorry, but I guess you haven't solved the reply issue. Fair enough, the
formatting is better, but bad formatting is a minor niggle compared to
having to search through potentially hundreds of mails trying to follow
a discussion.

> While it would be easier to fix the 'bug' of the mailing list digest.
> But ok, users should fit their workflow to a 'bug'.

It isn't only digests that have to be reformatted when replying. Any
mail might need tweaked when you reply, maybe there are a few levels of
quotes, or the original had too long a line length set. There are many
reasons why a mail might need reformatted, and any halfway decent MUA
will allow you to rewrap sections of text with just a few key presses or
mouse clicks. A good one should be able to do it pretty much

> I take this issue seriously and try my best to fix the issue, but
> sorry everybody, I won't waste time by reading more replies regarding

I appreciate that you're trying to fix the issue, but I think you're
approaching it from the wrong angle. Although since you've stopped
reading, I might as well stop typing.

> I'll write again to the mailing list in reply to a request, if I can
> help somebody. Or I'll write if I need help myself. Hopefully this is
> ok :).

It's good that you aren't giving up on the list, but I hope that the
person with the request is able to find your reply among all the other
messages on the list :)


Q:      How do you shoot a blue elephant?
A:      With a blue-elephant gun.

Q:      How do you shoot a pink elephant?
A:      Twist its trunk until it turns blue, then shoot it with
        a blue-elephant gun.

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