On 06/25/11 at 04:33pm, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> scott@work:~$ mount | grep /disk
> /dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)

Looks fine..
> scott@work:~$ ls /media/disk/Music/"Various Artists/Amelie - Soundtrack"
> 01 - J'Y Suis Jamias All?.mp3     08 - A Quai.mp3                 15 -
> Soir de F?te.mp3
> 02 - Les Jours Tristes.mp3        09 - Le Moulin.mp3              16 -
> La Red?couverte.mp3
> 03 - La Valse d'Am?lie.mp3        10 - Pas Si Simple.mp3          17 -
> Sur le Fil.mp3
> 04 - Comptine d'Un Autre ?t?.mp3  11 - La Valse D'Am?lie.mp3      18 -
> Le Banquet.mp3
> 05 - La Noy?e.mp3                 12 - La Valse des Vieux Os.mp3  19 -
> La Valse D'Am?lie.mp3
> 06 - L' Autre Valse d'Am?lie.mp3  13 - La Dispute.mp3             20 -
> La Valse des Monstres.mp3
> 07 - Guilty.mp3                   14 - Si Tu N'?tais Pas L?.mp3

OK, so the files are being created, and your FS can handle the characters, but
somehow the characters aren't being translated. So it's not an issue with your
filesystem, it's an issue with the filesystem the original files are on. I
assume that's NTFS? Can you try mounting it and moving a file with mv ?

> scott@work:~$ locale -ma
> C
> en_AU.utf8

Also looks fine. I have the same (except en_US).


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