On Vi, 24 iun 11, 19:16:39, Dan wrote:
> I think that the best application to grab audio from a CD is EAC. It
> is only available for windows (I know that this a Debian forum). This
> program is one of the reasons I keep a windows partition in my hard
> drive. I does a great job specially with CDs which are not good (ex.
> scratch). It has lot of features like detection of read errors or
> comparing some kind of hash of the ripping with a database, etc...
> It also has many options to write a CUE sheet. You need a CUE sheet to
> make an exact copy of your CD with your tracks(ex. in flac or mp3)
> EAC is what I have used to convert my CD collection to flac. It is
> worthy to use it. Unfortunately  it runs in windows :( I think you can
> run it with wine
> http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3699&iTestingId=989

Sound nice, but I trust cdparanoia more ;)

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