On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 16:31, cr wrote:
> On Thursday 25 September 2003 03:24, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:40:14 +0200, cr wrote:
> > > ... having just recovered from another screaming encounter with dselect.
> >
> > One word: aptitude
> Thanks, I'll bear 'aptitude' in mind  (though I tend to be lazy and use 
> kpackage wherever possible), but  dselect is the app written into the 
> installer.     
> dselect is actually not so bad on a one-app basis, it's trying to use it to 
> select all the apps for an install where it rapidly gets old.    ;)

Call me weird, but unless I'm only installing one or two packages (which
I'll just use apt-get to do) I think dselect is the best tool for the
job. It lets you see recommended and suggested packages while
automatically showing you which dependencies need to be installed. It's
also the only really "intuitive" package manager I've found. It took me
about 2 hours of playing with it to understand it. I've tried aptitude
and a few of the available GUI frontends (though I admit I've never
tried kpackage) and even after 2 hours I just can't get the hang of 'em.
Though I know of QUITE a few people who absolutely swear by aptitude.
Personally, I couldn't be happier with dselect. :)

Alex Malinovich
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