--- On Fri, 7/1/11, Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What you have described is not sufficient to enable a
> hidden menu entry.
> It is unclear to me that you followed all the steps I
> outlined, please
> confirm that you did the following. *Pay particular
> attention to step 2.*

Yes, I missed the step 2. Now I've tried it and the "File Manager - Super User 
Mode" behaves seemingly in the same non-functional way, that is, shows up in 
the bottom launch panel like it's starting up, hangs there for about 15 secs, 
then shuts down/disappears. But it doesn't work.

> NOTE: for future reference - a command line suggestion
> prefaced by $
> means run as user, # means run as root.
> it's a good idea to only run commands as root *when no other way is possible* 
> ;-)

Good point, I agree.

> >> Assumption: you're running Squeeze (from uname
> -r)??
> > 
> > # uname -a Linux testbox 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Jan
> 12 03:40:32
> > UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Is that yes??

Yes, I'm running squeeze.

> Please post the entire, unmodified /etc/apt/sources.list

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list 
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux squeeze-di-rc2 _Squeeze_ - Official Snapshot 
amd64 NETINST Binary-1 20110121-20:07]/ squeeze main

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main
## add non-free to install:  unrar
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze non-free
# security updates
deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main

# Optionally install sources
#deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main

> Also the output, if any, of:-
> $ dpkg --get-selections sudo

$ dpkg --get-selections sudo
No packages found matching sudo

> > I remember there was a way to access "Run as a
> different
> > user" functionality from the Alt+F2 feature (when you
> click on the
> > "wrench") but now it seems to have gone.
> ??

By the wrench I mean an icon that resembles the wrench, you can see it on the 
left side of the Alt+F2 window. As I remember, a while ago it was possible to 
run an app through Alt+F2 and specify "Run As a different user" settings. Once 
you selected an app to run you'd click on the similar looking "wrench" icon 
next to the selected app and it would open a new window where you'd specify 
"Run As a different user" settings. Now I can no longer find a way to do that. 
Perhaps they removed that plugin or whatever from Alt+F2.

Anyway, I just discovered I can't run konqueror from Alt+F2 even without 
switching the user, with the similar non-functional effects: it starts, shows 
up in the app panel, hangs there for about 15 secs and then shuts down. Dolphin 
runs fine. Kwrite runs fine. Kate runs fine.

Weird. I use konqueror every day, the only difference I start it by clicking on 
the respective System tray icon or from the Favorites menu. And it works fine.

> It seems generally that your paths must be wrong since it is installed.
> What is your $PATH and can a KDE user compare to their own?

$ echo $PATH


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