After a lot of trial and error I have finally got an almost perfect dual head configuration set up.

My main monitor is at 1920x1080 my secondary monitor is currently maxed at 1024x768.

According to the monitor specs my secondary monitor is capable of 1280x1024 but the Gnome Monitor preferences doesn't allow it.

I tried adding a modeline in xorg.conf to specify the 1280x1024 resolution which I copied from elsewhere. It half worked in the sense that it looked like the the new resolution was recognised, but since I didn't really understand all the parameters, the vertical stretching was all wrong (ie it was putting the bottom of the screen edge of the bottom of the monitor).

Can someone help me construct a modeline - I am not really sure what all the parameters mean

The Monitor Manual gives the following (as one of two separate options)

mode SXVGA 1280 x 1024
Horizontal Frequency 79.976Khz
Vertical Frequency 75.025Hz
Dot Clock 135.000MHz

but how these map onto the modeline parameters I have no idea

Alan Chandler

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