Hi all!

I recently migrated my Leafnode server to a OpenVZ virtual machine. I
copied the /etc/news/config configuration file, but I can not get
connect from a remote client (slrn).

The service is listening:

root@hermes:~# netstat -puta | grep nntp
tcp        0      0 *:nntp                  *:*                     LISTEN      

tcpwrappers would allow the remote connection:

root@hermes:~# tcpdmatch leafnode
client:   address
server:   process  leafnode
matched:  /etc/hosts.allow line 16
option:   ALLOW
access:   granted

Even without active firewall rules, I can not connect remotely:

viper@defiant:~$ telnet hermes.freesoftware 119
Connected to hermes.freesoftware.
Escape character is '^]'.
502 Remote access denied.
Connection closed by foreign host.

This is the log of the connection attempt:

Aug 14 01:53:36 hermes leafnode[1219]: Refusing connect from 
defiant.freesoftware ( to hermes.freesoftware ( (my fqdn: 
hermes.freesoftware), outside the local networks. (Check config.example.)

The local connection is possible:

root@hermes:~# telnet hermes.freesoftware 119
Connected to hermes.freesoftware.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.11.8 running at hermes.freesoftware (my 
fqdn: hermes.freesoftware)

Aug 14 02:01:57 hermes leafnode[1271]: connect from hermes.freesoftware 
( to hermes.freesoftware ( (my fqdn: hermes.freesoftware)

Which may be why Leafnode believes that IP is outside the local network?

The installed version is 1.11.8-1 from repositories of Debian GNU/Linux

Thanks in advance for your reply.

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