On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 10:31:16AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> Rob Owens wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 07:41:57AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >>I'm currently a Windows user who's trying to escape.
> >>
> My goal is to sit down at keyboard and not be able to tell whether
> Linux resided on a USB stick or on the hard drive (cf the old AI
> goal of having computer indistinguishable from human.)

For the record, it is possible to install a full-fledged Linux
distribution onto a USB stick. That way, it truly is indistinguishable
(I'm assuming we're ignoring things like the USB stick flashing at you
- what matters is the user experience).

However, it's not really recommended. USB keys are slow and unreliable
compared to hard drives.

Darac Marjal

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