>>>>> Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> writes:
>>>>> RiverWind wrote:

 >> I used to be able to "ssh" from my shellworld account into my Linux
 >> box before I got the latest version of the squeeze disk. I am not
 >> able to do so now. Exactly what needs to be set up or in place in
 >> order for me to once again be able to access my Linux box via "ssh"
 >> or "telnet" from another site?


 > 2. Ensure that sshd is listening on port 22.

 > $ netstat -na | grep ''
 > tcp        0      0    *            LISTEN

        As IPv6 is slowly conquering the world, I'd be checking for
        :::22 just as well, e. g.:

$ netstat -na | grep -F :::22 
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 2001:db8:1::1:51537     2001:db8:2::2:22        ESTABLISHED

        Also, neither . nor : are the characters that an ordinary shell
        would treat as special, so single quotes aren't necessary.
        OTOH, grep(1) will treat . as any character, not period, thus -F
        should be used.  Consider, e. g.:

$ printf %s\\n 1020:030:22 | grep ''
$ printf %s\\n 1020:030:22 | grep -F

 > 3. Ensure that you can connect to the sshd port from the local host.
 > Do this on the local host.

 > $ telnet localhost 22
 > ...
 > Escape character is '^]'.
 > SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-7
 > ^]            <-- Use Control-] to escape
 > telnet> quit  <-- Then type quit to exit

        The Telnet protocol isn't the same as “no protocol.”  In
        particular, IIRC, Telnet treats a \xff code as special.  For
        network diagnostics, netcat (as of either netcat6,
        netcat-openbsd, or netcat-traditional package) is generally

        And it can be interrupted by a plain ^C (C-c), BTW.


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