On 8/27/2011 8:20 AM, lina wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I checked this one on store,
> http://www.seagate.com/www/en-us/products/external/external-hard-drive/portable-hard-drive
> the 1TB USB3.0 one, whose outside box showed the system requirements is:
> Windows ....
> MacĀ® OS X operating system 10.4.11 or higher; 10.5.8 or 10.6.2 (32-bit
> kernel only)
> My questions is that:
> is it compatible with mine OS: x86_64 GNU/Linux ?
> How about 64-bit kernel Mac OS X?
> (The lady there make me moved,
> she stopped me buying it,
> cause she can't guarantee me it will work, and it's not refundable,
> she suggested me to wait for working day,
> so she can call someone and let me know the result.)
> Before the hard drive I used, I did not examine much, just feel it can
> be plugged in windows, also Linux, no problems at all.
> Thanks for any advice,


I see my advice for Seagate was effective for you, glad to see it so. In
general though, I don't buy the preassembled externals. I prefer to shop
around for an enclosure on my choosing first, one I know will work with
what ever systems I am going to use it on, then I go and find an
appropriate hard-drive.

For example, I just bought this for my girlfriend


And four of these:

The encloser is running in raid1 (so roughly 698G), her laptop (A
Pre-Dell Alienware M17x) is running in raid0 (~1.3TB). That external
does require it's own power and the cord isn't very long. On the bright
side though, It received some abuse from me the first week we had it.
While preforming backup's of her laptop, I and my cat both knocked the
external off the desk, it slammed to the floor, I picked it up and it
was perfectly fine, granted it only fell 3 feet but I plugged it into my
Squeeze box as well as my FreeBSD box and scanned the array, no errors
(and it was still coping data when it fell!).

Like I had said previously, I am using these very same drives elseware
(my laptop, the squeeze box as well as the freebsd box)

/dev/md0  233G  4.2M  233G  1%  /mnt (xfs)
This is her two old laptop drives (Seagate 2.5", 16MB cache, 250GB,
7200RPM), they are running in a raid1 softraid array in Leviathan
(Squeeze). I swapped them out because the Intel fakeraid in the
Alienware died. So instead of just rebuilding a 500GB raid0 array, I
upgraded her to 2x750GB drives at ~1.3TB.

tank  559G  25K  559G  0%  /tank (zfs)
This is 2x750GB, 16MB Cache, 7200RPM drives running in a raid1 array as
my primary data storage device. They are attached to a HPT RocketRaid
1720 Card (2xSATAII), hardware raid. The OS is FreeBSD 8.2.

I realize this is more information then you are asking for, and I
apologize for that. I just wanted to illustarte how well these drives
function and to show you that the external I pointed out will work in
Squeeze at the very least. If you want, I can grab her external after
Hurricane Irene is done leaving her mark on NYC and get you dmesg logs
from Squeeze and my laptop, running testing.

> Chris Brennan
> --
> A: Yes.
> >Q: Are you sure?
> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
> http://xkcd.com/84/ | http://xkcd.com/149/ | http://xkcd.com/549/
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