
On Tue Sep 30, 2003 at 04:11:49AM +1200, cr wrote:
> Curiously though, /etc/ppp/options still has  'auth'  in it,   while
> /etc/ppp/peers/provider   has  'noauth' (and already did, I think,
> even when I was having that 'drop-out' problem mentioned above).   I
> don't know how the two inter-relate, but evidently what I did in Kppp
> has changed something else somewhere.    I was intending to ask for
> some clarification on this list.

pppd(8) says:

      System  default  options  for  pppd,  read  before  user default
      options or command-line options.

      A  directory  containing  options files which may contain privi-
      leged options, even if pppd was invoked by  a  user  other  than
      root.  The system administrator can create options files in this
      directory to permit non-privileged users  to  dial  out  without
      requiring  the peer to authenticate, but only to certain trusted

> Other question - what's the 'proper' way to give a user (me) access to
> ppp?   I can think of a couple of ways that might work but I might as
> well do it the 'proper' way.   I don't need high security (being the
> only user) but I'm sure I shouldn't be posting as root    ;)

Adding the unpriviledged user to group dialout should be enough for
modem dialouts[1].

So long

  1. http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/archive/debian/user/2002/12/msg01107.html

 .''`.  Obviously we do not want to leave zombies around. - W. R. Stevens
: :'  : Thomas Krennwallner <djmaecki at ull dot at>
`. `'`  1024D/67A1DA7B 9484 D99D 2E1E 4E02 5446  DAD9 FF58 4E59 67A1 DA7B
  `-    http://bigfish.ull.at/~djmaecki/

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