On 13 September 2011 14:05, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> David Baron wrote:
> > Subject: Re: Held Packages on Sid
> > There seem to be more and more of them. What's the score?
> I have a Sid system freshly updated and upgraded today and I see no
> packages held back on my desktop system with a lot of packages
> installed.  At this moment I have 2693 packages installed.  Everything
> looks heathy and happy to me.
> What packages are you seeing held back?

Sometimes, without being aware of it these packages have been held back 'at
your request'. Just enable installation through the Ncurses interface of
aptitude and if there are any objections, decide on strategy on a case by
case basis.
But, usually, they'll just be installed with no questions asked.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

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